Let’s empower and recover! A 7ROSES empowerment workshop

drs. Sanne De Kleijn, Sanne Minheere




Assigned to session

1.05 Anton Philips, 29-09-2023, 15:10 - 16:25


Refugee or war & conflict related traumatic stress
Public health, prevention, early interventions
(Sub)clinical interventions or treatment (innovations)


A short, experience-based introduction to the 7ROSES (Seven Recovery Oriented Survivor Empowerment Strategies) empowerment method, developed in collaboration with Arq.

Unfortunately not all people with trauma-related complaints recover through a trauma-focused treatment; the success rate is even lower among the group of refugees and asylum seekers. An explanation for this difference is the influence of ongoing daily stressors within this group of people. That’s why it’s necessary to spend attention to personal and social recovery. 7ROSES was developed in a European project with 8 related organizations and based on clinical and scientific experience. The 7ROSES method broadly focuses on supporting the recovery process and offers tools in dealing with daily stressors. The method offers specific interventions that contribute to increasing one’s own capacity and strengthening self-efficacy.

This workshop will introduce participants to the theoretical foundation of 7ROSES; the CHIME-framework of Leamy et al. (2011). In order to regain one’s own strengths and to be able to use resources in the environment, it is important to restore social connection, to rediscover one’s own identity and to give meaning to what happened.

With this workshop we hope to enthuse participants about this powerful method and to hand over some tools how to work with promoting the personal recovery of people with psychotrauma complaints. Participants get an introduction in one specific intervention from this empowerment method, with the focus on the pilar Meaning.


Sanne De Kleijn

Sanne Minheere