Supporting employees after occupational trauma

Dr. Anne Bakker1, 2, Dr. Juul Gouweloos-Trines3
1OLVG, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2Psychotrauma Research Group, Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands
3ARQ IVP, ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre, Diemen, Netherlands




Assigned to session

0.10 Mies Bouwman, 08-07-2022, 16:30 - 18:00


Police, military & emergency services, health care personnel
Public health, prevention, early interventions


Employees in high-risk organizations, including emergency service organizations, are routinely exposed to stressful events such as threatening situations, witnessing death or severe injuries, or intense suffering. Also in other occupational settings, employee exposure to for instance intimidation or aggression occurs.

Following guidelines, organizations are advised to develop programs to provide support to their employees after such experiences and to enable timely recognition of maladaptive recovery patterns and referral to specialized care if needed. Ideally, these support programs after occupational trauma are embedded in a supportive organizational climate with routine focus on employee mental health.

In this interactive workshop, we will connect research, policy and practice on psychosocial support for employees after occupational trauma.

After this workshop, participants have:

-  an overview of factors that contribute to healthy employee coping after occupational traumatic events based on research among ambulance personnel and police investigators

- insight in a practical routine mental check-up program that aims to strengthen healthy coping mechanisms and resilience in employees

- insight in the implementation of an organization wide peer-to-peer support program to support colleagues after occupational trauma

- practiced with a coping exercise from the peer-to-peer support program  to reinforce employee natural recovery ability.


Anne Bakker

Juul Gouweloos-Trines