Implementation of suicide prevention interventions during disasters and public health emergencies: A systematic review

Dr Lennart Reifels, Dr Karolina Krysinska, Dr Karl Andriessen




Assigned to session

1.06 Jeanne Roos, 28-09-2023, 13:30 - 14:45


Crisis, disaster or pandemic related
Public health, prevention, early interventions


Study objectives: Major disasters and public health emergencies, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, are increasingly affecting populations around the globe. Despite evident public concern and growing research interest in the suicidality impacts associated with such adverse events, little is known about the effective implementation of suicide prevention strategies in these challenging contexts. This systematic review is the first to examine the empirical literature regarding the implementation, adaptation, and outcomes of suicide prevention interventions in the context of public health emergencies and disasters. Methods: Five databases (Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, Web of Science, PILOTS) were searched from database inception to December 2022 for English language, peer-reviewed studies, using a search string comprising key concepts regarding exposure, intervention, and outcomes. Study selection involved initial title/abstract, and subsequent full-text, screening. The study protocol was registered with PROSPERO. Results: Ongoing review findings will be presented, focusing on the implementation and adaptation strategies employed to facilitate effective delivery in disaster contexts, and associated outcomes in terms of reported changes in suicidality. Conclusion: As pandemics and disasters pose increasing global challenges to population health, review findings provide vital insights into key strategies to ensure the effective implementation and delivery of suicide prevention interventions in such contexts.


Lennart Reifels

Karolina Krysinska

Karl Andriessen