Problem Management Plus - A Brief Psychological Support Program for Crisis-Affected Individuals: Development, Training, Evidence, and Future Perspectives

Prof. Dr. Marit Sijbrandij, Dr. Els Van der Ven, Dr. Anke Witteveen, MSc Cansu Alozkan Sever, GZ-psycholoog Barbara Kieft




Assigned to session

1.04 Erik de Vries, 29-09-2023, 13:30 - 14:45


Refugee or war & conflict related traumatic stress
Crisis, disaster or pandemic related
Public health, prevention, early interventions


Problem Management Plus (PM+) is a brief psychological support program for individuals affected by crises. This panel discussion brings together experts in the field to discuss the development, training, evidence, and future perspectives of PM+. This panel discussion, led by Dr. Iryna Frankova, brings together experts to provide a comprehensive overview of PM+. Prof. Marit Sijbrandij will discuss PM+'s development, theoretical framework, key components, and current empirical evidence. The panel will then explore the implementation of PM+ in different contexts, with Dr. Els van der Ven highlighting the U-RISE Project's focus on mental well-being for displaced individuals in Ukraine's neighboring countries, and Dr. Anke Witteveen sharing insights from the RESPOND Project, which addresses mental health needs post-COVID-19. GZ-Psychologist Barbara Kieft will provide insights into PM+ training procedures, including essential skills acquisition. At the same time, Cansu Alozkan Sever will address ongoing supervision processes and the support offered to helpers to ensure protocol fidelity. Finally, all panelists will come together to explore future directions for PM+, offering insights into potential research avenues, areas for improvement, scaling up, and adaptation of the intervention to different contexts. This panel discussion aims to enhance understanding of PM+ and its potential applications in various contexts.


Marit Sijbrandij

Els Van der Ven

Anke Witteveen

Cansu Alozkan Sever

Barbara Kieft