Sexual and gender based violence towards marginalized populations - what helpers should know
Opgenomen in sessies
1.04 Erik de Vries, 2023-09-28, 13:30 - 14:45
Field of research
Gender, (SOGIE) identity, diversity related
Overview of symposium
uring this session we will outline various (mental health) challenges survivors of SGBV might face.
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Sexual and gender based violence towards marginalized populations - what helpers should know
Linda Verhaak
During this session we will outline various (mental health) challenges survivors of SGBV might face. Firstly, we will explore the intersect of SGBV and marginalized positions within society, for instance in the case of LGBTQI+ and male survivors of sexual violence. Secondly, derived from practice-based research, we evaluate two treatment modules for their feasibility in addressing the mental health outcomes of SGBV survivors. Namely, the relevance of Group Schema Therapy amongst migrant survivors with treatment resistant PTSS and early childhood trauma is discussed. Finally, we present the findings of a newly developed bodily-oriented treatment module aimed towards (re-)gaining a sense of safety after SGBV.

Linda Verhaak
Sexual and gender based violence towards marginalized populations - what helpers should know
Marian Tankink
During this session we will outline various (mental health) challenges survivors of SGBV might face. Firstly, we will explore the intersect of SGBV and marginalized positions within society, for instance in the case of LGBTQI+ and male survivors of sexual violence. Secondly, derived from practice-based research, we evaluate two treatment modules for their feasibility in addressing the mental health outcomes of SGBV survivors. Namely, the relevance of Group Schema Therapy amongst migrant survivors with treatment resistant PTSS and early childhood trauma is discussed. Finally, we present the findings of a newly developed bodily-oriented treatment module aimed towards (re-)gaining a sense of safety after SGBV.

Marian Tankink
Sexual and gender based violence towards marginalized populations - what helpers should know
Rina Ghafoerkhan
During this session we will outline various (mental health) challenges survivors of SGBV might face. Firstly, we will explore the intersect of SGBV and marginalized positions within society, for instance in the case of LGBTQI+ and male survivors of sexual violence. Secondly, derived from practice-based research, we evaluate two treatment modules for their feasibility in addressing the mental health outcomes of SGBV survivors. Namely, the relevance of Group Schema Therapy amongst migrant survivors with treatment resistant PTSS and early childhood trauma is discussed. Finally, we present the findings of a newly developed bodily-oriented treatment module aimed towards (re-)gaining a sense of safety after SGBV.Authors